JSTAT International Affiliated Societies and Networks of Alexander Technique Teachers

JSTAT Introduction to the Alexander Technique

JSTAT Teachers of the Alexander Technique in Japan

Contact JSTAT

The Teachers of the Alexander Technique in Japan

Lucas Lorenzi

The Alexander Technique Centre (ATC) Kyoto
Kyoto City, Japan
Telephone: 075 582 6780  
Mobile: 090 6916 5935
Fax : 075 582 6782

Email: info@alexandertechnique.ne.jp
Website: www.alexandertechnique.ne.jp


Tomoyo Yoshimura

Hyogo & Osaka, Japan
Email: chomo.piano@gmail.com
Website: http://www.jstat.jp

Tomoya Deguchi

Suita City, Osaka, Japan
Email: mail@exit-drumlesson.jp
Website: https://www.exit-drumlesson.jp/

Shihomi Yano

Nara & Toyonaka City, Osaka,  Japan
Telephone: 080 1468 6247
Email: shiki.piano@gmail.com
Website: http://shihomi-piano-alex.jimdo.com/

Kikuko Kurose

Nishinomiya City, Hyogo, Japan
Telephone: 0798 74 2560
Fax: 0798 74 2560
Website: http://www.jstat.jp



Saori Yoshida

Hyogo & Osaka, Japan
Email: y-sao0419@yahoo.co.jp
Website: http://www.jstat.jp




Naoko Asayama

Tokushima City, Tokushima, Japan
Telephone: 088 665 0746
Email: naoko-a@mc.pikara.ne.jp
Website: http://www.jstat.jp

Yuki Asaka

Naruto City, Tokushima, Japan
Telephone: 090 2781 1988
Email: y.ask.fam.n.0728@gmail.com

Naoto Asaka

Naruto City, Tokushima, Japan
Telephone: 088 686 7198
Telephone: 090 3485 3584
Email: nanayuyu.ask@gmail.com

Yosuke Fujibayashi

Izumiotsu City, Osaka, Japan
Telephone: 0725 23 2066
Website: http://non-doing.net/



Azumi Ishihara

Osaka, Japan
Email: azumi-pianolesson@live.jp
Website: http://www.alexandertechnique-japan.com/

Kayoko Ikeda

Parma, Italy
Email: ririmomoririmomo@yahoo.co.jp
Website: http://www.jstat.jp




Members of JSTAT

The few and rare JSTAT registered Alexander teachers offer competent tuition in the Alexander Technique.
You might narrow your choice, first, based on how close a teacher is located to you geographically. Reading the teacher biographies will give you a broader picture as well as specific information to help you determine if a teacherfs interests and experience overlap with yours. You may contact any teacher of the JSTAT community with questions regarding both the Alexander Technique and that particular teacherfs approach, area of emphasis, fees, and schedule. You may find yourself ready to sign up for an Alexander lesson after just one phone conversation but feel free to call several teachers before making your decision. You are not obligated to take more than a single lesson or workshop, or to continue with a particular teacher beyond the first lesson, if you feel in any way uncomfortable or if you simply donft want to continue. We encourage you to experience at least three lessons before deciding whether or not the technique is for you.
For further information about the Alexander Technique and qualified lessons with teachers in Japan please contact an Alexander teacher listed above or JSTAT's office in Kyoto.



Copyright(c) since 2002 JSTAT Japan Solidarity of Teachers of the Alexander Technique. All Rights Reserved